Build Confidence and Achieve Success

QuickRN Pass Quicker: A simple, powerful and affordable prep program to fully prepare you to pass your NCLEX RN-PN licensing test

QuickRN Pass Quicker:

A simple, powerful and affordable prep program to fully prepare you to pass your NCLEX RN-PN licensing test

When it comes to preparing to write and pass the NCLEX RN-PN exam, you need a lot more than practice tests and questions. Only the QuickRN Pass Quicker program takes a caring and disciplined 360-degree approach to your success.

Our comprehensive prep program prepares you mentally, emotionally and spiritually to rise to the challenges and sail through the test with confidence, ready to forge your career as a fully-qualified nurse.

The QuickRN Pass Quicker program is a league above other test training available, giving you a complete NCLEX and nursing career success roadmap and unique tools, including:

  • A 60-minute stress management webinar: to keep you calm and confident  during your exam. You’ll learn 5 easy techniques that will help you to relax, focus and score your true potential
  • Critical thinking skills training: QuickRN Pass Quicker will deconstruct the NCLEX exam for you, and teach you fresh and powerful approaches to successfully answering even the trickiest exam questions
  • Practice makes perfect: With QuickRN Pass Quicker, you receive 3 practice exams to sharpen your skills
  • Simulation exam: In addition to the 3 practice tests, QuickRN gives you a full  simulation exam which uses the same AI progressive questioning and queries as the actual exam
  • Our Proprietary 4-Step Process: Only QuickRN offers a disciplined 4 step process: Review. Practice. Pass. Career, – to ensure not just a pass on your exam – but that you are fully prepared and on track to launch your nursing career

4 Powerful Steps to Licensing Success

Our QuickRN “Pass Quicker” 4-Step Process.



Sign up for our training course that provides “Building Blocks” to build your vocabulary and general nursing terms; “Deconstruct the NCLEX Question” to teach you how to approach the questions and “Meditation Practices” to help with test anxiety.



Apply what you have learned to a realistic exam. The old adage practice makes perfect is true. Subscribe and try the QuickRN Nursing Review Question Bank, with over 1200 questions, and see how you can prepare for your exam.


Pass the Exam

Write the exam with confidence. Not only do we provide you with practice questions and tests, we also provide you with techniques to deal with everyone’s natural anxiety so you can ace the test.


Start your career!

Passing the exam is just the first part of an exciting lifelong journey. With connections to employers across Canada, QuickRN can help you find your first job as soon as you’re registered. Reach out to us to find out how.

Internationally-trained Nurses:
Practice and develop skills to pass the Objective Structural Clinical Exam (OSCE)

  • For internationally educated professionals who also need to take an OSCE, our enhanced OSCE prep program will help you boost your confidence and ensure you demonstrate your:
    • Assessment skills- communication skills
    • Nursing Knowledge
    • Professional Competence
    • Our especially enhanced program will provide you with the confidence to succeed
    • Coming soon!

Questions? We can help.